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Thoughts on How We Treat Women

The Kavanaugh hearings. A spectacle so depressing to the human spirit that I almost can't write about it, but it's what's weighing on my mind today. Honestly, the most disheartening thing about the last two years is not the Trump presidency (oh, believe me, it's on the list) or a multitude of other things I could mention. I always knew there were dishonest, racist, cruel, homophobic, misogynist people in the world. But they were generally somewhere else, lurking on the internet or on the news. Yes, I understood that institutional racism existed and that subconsciously we all have racist tendencies that we need to address but I had hope for the future and a belief in the general goodness of others. Over the past two years, social media has shattered that naivete as I've seen many people who I've looked up to and admired for their decency, compassion, empathy, and reason take hard stances that I cannot understand or condone. They support individuals ...

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